This blog entry is PART #2 of the following news article - Mike Bronzell Exposes "Mobster" Meni Agababayev of Run Local Locksmith In ABC Nightline Sting - The LOOKOUT Bill Weir, ABC News investigative reporter - The LOOKOUT.....are you licensed?! When you watch the ABC NEWS locksmith sting operation, you see Bill Weir asking one person who is posing as a locksmith if he is licensed. This subliminal inference innocent or not - that locksmiths "should or could" be licensed is interesting since it has been repeated in many prior news broadcasts. It is also something that has been hotly debated within the locksmith industry, particularly since the majority of hard working honest locksmiths oppose it. Given the fact that this is a national news program, rather then regional, local or hyper local, it can give the viewer the misleading idea that every locksmith must need to be licensed - which is false. Proponents of regulating the locksmith industry also have been shown to be engaging in the systematic attempt at eliminating the mobile service providers which make up 80% of the trade. Their argument is that "they are not legitimate" simply by nature of them not having a "walk in" location and that licensing or regulating someone is the ultimate symbol of legitimacy. I don't know about you, but I don't recall seeing a plumber or electrician with a walk in retail location, so why pick on the locksmith about a walk in location? When you watch the entire episode of ABC's The LOOKOUT, I didn't see the TV Repairman being asked if they were licensed after they repeatedly scammed the elderly women? So at the end of the day you have to sit back and ask why? The Society of Professional Locksmiths has provided that answer and we have even presented articulate and thoughtful points to ponder, and we have come to the conclusion that Locksmith Licensing is in itself a great big con job. For a long time now, proponents of forcing unwanted licensing upon the locksmith industry have been found scatter shooting all over the place with a variety of nonsensical excuses as to why the locksmith must be regulated. They claim that the only way to protect the consumers is to make sure these people are subjected to all kinds of screening, vetting, rules and regulations by consumer protection agencies, state licensing boards, state attorney generals, the Federal Trade Commission, and they pander these misconceptions to these people as well as the naive consumer. SOPL Managing Director Barry Campbell sums up The LOOKOUT report and the situation as a whole as follows - ABC's “The Lookout” erred in identifying Run Local Locksmith as anything but a legitimate locksmith company. They must be legitimate – they are LICENSED! Being licensed makes you a professional according to the proponents advocating for it, doesn't it? In state after state that requires locksmith licensing, Run Local is listed as having been issued a license, including New Jersey, Virginia, Texas, California, Oregon, and Tenneessee. So, to all the licensing proponents who make the claim that licensing locksmiths will protect customers and eliminate industry competition from scammers, thanks for legitimizing companies like Run Local! Barry touched on something very, very important. It is the larger companies in comparison to the smaller Mom & Pop operations that can play in this con game. The financial burden, red tape and often un-achievable barriers placed upon a small entrepreneur or new entrant ultimately leads to restriction of trade and the elimination of consumer choices which in turn creates monopolies, increased costs to the consumer, and lower quality service. Locksmith licensing is a Con Job, scam, flimflam,or whatever you wish to label it. At the end of the day it is no better then what we have all witnessed with this Run Local news report....but they are a legitimate locksmith service.....according to the advocates of licensing, and the government regulatory agencies shown below. After seeing all this, one has to question the motivations and agenda of those advocating licensing and also question whether these are really Locksmiths You Can Trust. It looks like someone didn't do their homework! Be careful what you ask for, it might come back to bite you, and it looks like it has. Below are other very important links with additional revealing information you NEED TO KNOW! What do you think? Please post your comments. Mike Bronzell Exposes "Mobster" Meni Agababayev of Run Local Locksmith In ABC Nightline Sting - The LOOKOUT
ALOA Proposes to Criminalize Acts of Locksmithing NY Locksmith License Sponsor Senator Shirley Huntley Faces Arrest Purple Heart Recipient Victimized by Locksmith Licensing Law - U.S. Army Iraq War Veteran Locked Out Of Profession For Rescuing Stray Dog Arizona Law Review references the Society of Professional Locksmiths - Fighting Deceptive Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Texas Auditors Afraid of Licensed Locksmiths - by T.F. Stern Texas Showdown – Locksmith License Reform Opportunity Are You A Professional Locksmith? Everyone Wins a Fish? - Locksmith Marketing & Survival Please help spread the word and Tweet or give us a Like below.
Jim Mullins
6/9/2013 06:05:43
So you don't want doctor's licensed, or electricians, or plumbers?
6/9/2013 13:50:28
Mr. Mullins,
6/9/2013 14:12:25
For even more, I recommend the Institute for Justice's publication, “License to Work,” which can be seen at and includes data regarding licensing in all states. It reports that locksmithing is subject to the 69th most burdensome requirements and is the 60th most widely and onerously licensed occupation.
Reid Skinner
6/9/2013 15:11:05
I am from North Carolina and yes the system is not perfect. Things sometimes slip through. We had a company called Dependable that scammed lots of people across the state before finally getting them out. ( they were pretending to be locksmiths but drilled out locks and then charged up to $400 to replace the locks they destroyed)
6/9/2013 18:14:00
I think some of you are missing Toms point. So why pick on the locksmith? Why are we being singled out? There are scammers in every profession. When you watch the entire episode of ABC'sThe LOOKOUT, I didn't see the TV Repairman being asked if they were licensed after they repeatedly scammed the elderly women. ABC's “The Lookout” erred in identifying Run Local Locksmith as anything but a legitimate locksmith company. They must be legitimate – they are LICENSED! Being licensed makes you a professional according to the proponents advocating for it, doesn't it? In state after state that requires locksmith licensing, Run Local is listed as having been issued a license, including New Jersey, Virginia, Texas, California, Oregon, and Tennessee. So, to all the licensing proponents who make the claim that licensing locksmiths will protect customers and eliminate industry competition from scammers, What say you? Ethics should never be a problem and success is better measured by your reputation. Run Local fails on both counts, but not because of any licensing law.
Jim Mullins
6/10/2013 01:47:09
Barry, that was a yes or no question.
L Frascella
6/10/2013 03:12:23,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.aWc&fp=85e440c1310b44c5&biw=1440&bih=737
6/10/2013 05:33:55
No. But let me ask you - if you had been using the services of a doctor, electrician, or plumber and were happy with their services over the years but then found they hadn't renewed their license, would you refuse to use them? Did they suddenly become incompetent without that piece of paper?
6/10/2013 03:05:31
Thanks for pointing this out Barry. I watched the locksmith portion of this episode and had my fellow technicians watch as well. I didn't realize what they had said about licensing (bad speakers on the laptop). I've mentioned to other locksmiths in the state about state licensing and they always tell me they would be against it even though there are people operating as locksmiths in this state with criminal records. I've always felt that locksmithing licensing was a plus, especially since tow companies, taxis and car opening companies have to get licensed as locksmiths if they perform locksmith services (in some areas). Now I'm not sure it would make a difference.
6/10/2013 03:44:29
The licensing that ALOA is promoting is just another attempt to control the trade, for instance they would be the only 'legitimate' testing organization, so they get to decide. On the governmental side, it is a way to add more of your dollars into their pockets, pure and simple, it has NOTHING to do with protecting the public. If the goal really was to protect the public, then when the scammers come out with the bait and switch, they would call it what it is -FRAUD- and then arrest the scammers, they are committing a crime after all. But they don't, they wish to legitimize the illegitimate by offering it to them under the guise of officially sanctioned state licensing. By the way, it is also a crime to falsely advertise by misrepresentation, so when you see the internet ad showing a 'locksmith' operating out of that vacant lot, insist they prosecute. We don't need, nor really even want licensing. But we would like to see the scammers prosecuted, convicted (and deported as the case may be) for the actual crimes they are committing.
Raiford Ball
6/11/2013 08:15:25
hLicensing is not perfect and enforcement is spotty and needs to be strengthened. However, I have a very simple question. What do the opponents of licensing propose as a way of protecting the public from the scammers and ripoff artists in any profession? (By the way, when Thomas Jefferson was a lawyer, licensing was not required of many professions, including doctors.)
L Frascella
6/11/2013 11:34:00
Educating the public would suffice........ :))
6/11/2013 14:10:05
It's too bad we don't live in a world where all the good locksmiths wear white hats and all the bad ones wear black hats. If we did, all the scammers would have to do is start wearing white hats.
Glenn Younger
6/12/2013 05:18:52
Well said Ralph.
Glenn, it is good to see you lurking in the blog again. I would have thought you joined the SOPL by now since your always showing up. I know, I know...the SOPL is kinda like that hot club where all the pretty girls want to go in but your afraid your mom will find out. We won't tell.
L Frascella
6/13/2013 03:19:55
Honestly Glenn, how much mileage do you really think you are going to get out of filing a complaint about that company? 6/14/2013 06:25:54
I would like to be a member of a locksmith organization that encouraged locksmiths to have background checks, have a verified address listing and contact information, What organizations should I join?
Well Bill, since the SOPL was the first to "really" do a background check and since you are already a member, I think you answered your own question. A strange questions considering the topic of the blog is about how licensing is a con job. Aren't you still a member of the CFLA? I see you are. Nice directory by the way, maybe you can volunteer to help the SOPL make ours more complete. Let you fellow members know if your willing to participate in helping.
6/14/2013 07:38:45
Thanks for the quick response Tom..Yes, I am currently a member of CFLA, SOPL and ALOA, as well as DHI. I like to be in favor of things, and if some kind or registration was the hallmark of a professional locksmith, instead of state licensing, I am in favor of that. I will happily suggest that the CFLA members become knowledgeable about SOPL so that they can enjoy all of the benefits.
Richie Martin
6/18/2013 17:54:20
Aircraft mechanics are the only "trade" licensed and monitored by the federal government. There are 3 levels of license "A" = airframe, "P" = powerplant. Most aircraft mechanics hold what they call the "A&P" license. There is also an "AI" aircraft inspector license that requires a valid "A&P" license. 2 years of an approved school or 4 years of an approved apprentise program are required before being allowed to take the test. Not just a written test but 2 days of hands on testing as well.
7/20/2013 07:48:15
Licensing always worked in favor of the Honest hard working locksmith,
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