Press Release - SOPL Acquires New Headquarters & Training Facility

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Mission Statement
"The Society of Professional Locksmiths (SOPL) promotes the educational advancements and economic interests of its members.
It is committed to improving conditions and raising standards through the delivery of education and peer review. It is a professional organization that embraces all levels of skill and expertise. Through education and support, the Society provides its members the skills needed to succeed. The SOPL provides a voice for its members who are faced with unreasonable entrepreneurial interference."
It is committed to improving conditions and raising standards through the delivery of education and peer review. It is a professional organization that embraces all levels of skill and expertise. Through education and support, the Society provides its members the skills needed to succeed. The SOPL provides a voice for its members who are faced with unreasonable entrepreneurial interference."
Integrity - Skill - Education - Training - Industry Participation - Association
Structured EducationThe SOPL is the pioneer of complete and blended online training courses. We provide a cost effective pathway for occupational development and success.
Respected CertificationCertification testing is provided to prepare for, employment placement, job advancement, professional development, locksmith licensing, and security services.
Business DevelopmentManufacturers and businesses are seeking qualified professionals to service and install their products. The SOPL creates strategic relationships to help you succeed.
Latest News Stories -
Ode to Licensing Hypocrisy - In a recent Notes from the Editor titled "Ode to Licensing," Locksmith Ledger Editor-in-Chief Gale Johnson laments the fact that more states have not passed locksmith licensing legislation.....(read more)
Ode to Locksmith Licensing Failure - The failures of licensing to provide the promised benefits continue to show themselves, but three recent news items put it all in a neat little package.....(read more)
Ode to Licensing Arrogance - The reality is that licenses go to those who pay for them, including scammers. But what of ethics, and fair practices, and what of locksmiths who adopt marketing practices we usually associate with scammers?......(read more)
Hubley Cap Gun Padlock - Cap guns first appeared following the end of the American Civil War in the mid 1860's. Hubley was from Lancaster Pennsylvania and started in 1894.....(read more)
United States Bureau of Internal Revenue Padlock - A U.S. Patent was issued to Thomas Slight on August 5, 1878 and produced by Slaymaker Lock Co. in Lancaster, PA until the early 1920's......(read more)
Locksmith Scammer Caught on Video! - Ethical Locksmith Saves Customer - Andrew McColley, of Andrews Lock and Key in Mesa Arizona put his foot down after being called by a consumer asking for advice. YouTube video goes viral!....(read more)
Is ASSA ABLOY the Borg? - Confessions of a Video Marketer - Confessions of a video marketer on how to Crush the Competition for the underdog. The Borg neither innovates or creates, it consumes, adapts and assimilates others technology as their own.....(read more)
Society of Professional Locksmiths Partners with Pro Compliance, Inc. & Unifies Locksmith Industry - Something scammers cannot do is verify the physical location of a locksmith business and provide document inspections pertaining to its legitimacy.....(read more)
Is the North Carolina Locksmith License Board Being Dismantled? Idiot or Genius? - On August 11, 2013 SOPL Director of Operations, Barry Campbell wrote a blog article titled "Licensing Boards Under Fire from Federal Trade Commission - Restriction of Trade & Violating Anti-Trust Laws", was he right?.....(read more)
Should You Need the Government's Permission to Work? - Institute for Justice national report exposes how widespread and costly occupational licensing has become while placing hurdle after hurdle in the way.....(read more)
Reason Foundation - Locksmith Licensing Laws Are Destructive & 3 Reasons for Removal - Applying "reason" and common sense in the analysis of occupational licensing.....(read more)
Learn Electronics with Interactive Electronic "Simulators" - You can download these free simulators on your computer and actually see how things work when you make changes.....(read more)
SOPL Burning Bridges to Nowhere - A renaissance has begun as a result of the achievements of the SOPL. Learn more about the forward momentum created and why it is necessary to burn a bridge.....(read more)
FREE Electronic Lectures & Labs on Electronic Systems - If you are a locksmith looking for a complete electronics and basic electricity course, then this is it! Plus it is completely FREE!.....(read more)
Understanding Steel Doors - 328 page Online E-Book - The Steel Door Institute (SDI) was established in 1954 and works alongside industry associations to ensure compatibility with products used in conjunction with steel doors and frames. Learn about steel doors.....(read more)
The SOPL Helps Locksmith Earn More - Locksmith Charlie shares how he has increased his earnings more in the last 1 1/2 years as a member of the SOPL then his last 10 years in ALOA.....(read more)
SOPL Helped Us Manage Our Locksmith Operation Better! - Veteran locksmith uses tools provided by the Society of Professional Locksmiths to operate his business more strategically.....(read more)
New Locksmith Business Owner Treated with Respect - Newbie locksmith Brandt Anderson shares his experience as a member of the SOPL.....(read more)
FREE Pre-Employment Screening for Locksmith Owners - Locksmiths who own their own business and are looking for an easy way to screen job applicants can rely on the skills assessment testing application from the Society of Professional Locksmiths.....(read more)
Learn CCTV FREE! - Here is a great 18 page online E-Book that makes learning closed circuity television (CCTV) the EZ way. This resource provides you a condensed and digestible explanation of the world of CCTV.....(read more)
Society of Professional Locksmiths & Partners Come to Aid of Crime Victim - The SOPL, along with partnering hardware manufacturers PDQ Hardware, Door Devil, and Global Security Experts came to the aid of crime victim Linda Duncan of Indianapolis, IN......(read more)
Consumer Advocacy Service Locksmith Ripoffs - Do you think you have been ripped off? We can Help! Invoice & Estimate Audit Available. Submit your information for a no cost review, if there a problems found you can receive a report and help in understanding your options...(read more)
Consumer Lockout Response & Service - When a consumer contacts a locksmith during a lockout they should expect to be asked several questions, not just quoted a flat rate.....(read more)
To Pick, Bypass or Drill a Lock? - Picking a lock is not as simple as many may think. It is not Hollywood where something is simply inserted into a lock and it magically opens.....(read more)
To Replace or Repair - An Educated Consumer is our Best Customer - Door hardware and locks have a life cycle, and depending upon the type, grade and application, may or may not be repairable.....(read more)
Because of the SOPL - I have a Locksmith Business - SOPL is probably one of the best resources I have in the world of Locksmithing. It's because of the SOPL that I even have a Locksmith Business.....(read more)
The History of Door Closers - Before door closers were developed, we used devices made of springs and weights to help close doors and keep them closed. Modern door closers can do even more.....(read more)
How Not to Get Scammed When Locked Out of Your Home - Get Naked & Lose Weight - Consumers no longer need to carry a key ring, and will never need to use the Internet or yellow Pages in search of someone to get them in their homes....(read more)
Society of Professional Locksmiths Members are Easy to Spot - SOPL locksmiths proudly wear their beautifully embroidered membership patch. When you need a professional locksmith - look for the SOPL seal of approval.....(read more)
Your House Key Opens Your Neighbors Door - Consumers are unaware that when they purchase a lockset, deadbolt or decorative hardware at a big box store, they may be getting the same key that opens their neighbors home.....(read more)
Truth Prevails Over Dirty Tactics - Principle Over Profit - Managing Director, Barry Campbell replies to a cowardly cyber attack.....(read more)
'Run Local Locksmith' Owner "Meni The Mobster" Flees the United States! - Internal Revenue Service In Pursuit - News source says all Meni needs is someone to "guide him" and show him how to do things ethically, who will that be?.....(read more)
Part #3 - Truth in Advertising - My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - The FTC, Banjoman15, Tuneman & Screamingfinger all come together in an explosive and dubious revelation....(read more)
PART 2 - Getting Messy - My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - The rabbit hole expands and exposes more details into the world of lead generation and the players involved..... (read more)
My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - Is ALOA & the Scammers one in the same? Take a journey down the rabbit hole into a bizarro world with a complex matrix full of allusions and illusion.....(read more)
Why the Society of Professional Locksmiths is the Better Choice - It is a Hunch State where all ideas are good ideas and the locksmiths ideas and voice are respected and heard!.....(read more)
Getting the Most Out of the ILCO 008 Key Machine & Jet 9000 - Converting the ILCO 008 Mini Mite Key Machine and JT-9000 to act as a code cutting machine.....(read more)
Where's The Beef in Reporting the Truth About Locksmith Scammers? - Nebraskan News Reporter Chad Silber the ONLY news reporter in the United States that has reported accurately about what is known as "locksmith scammers".....(read more)
Existing Consumer Protection Laws Proven Effective - Locksmith Licensing Proven Ineffective - Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Protection (GOCP) has fined a scammer operation almost $112,000,effectively demonstrating that scammers posing as a locksmtih can be attacked under existing laws, whereas licensing laws have proven themselves ineffective.....(read more)
Licensing Boards Under Fire from Federal Trade Commission - State licensing boards are under fire from the Federal Trade Commission for restricting competition, raising consumer prices, violating antitrust laws, and reducing customer choices.....(read more)
Lessons Learned in Locksmithing - Lessons Learned Walking with Jason, a Book by John F. Hunt - John’s odyssey is a very personal journey of self-discovery and gives us a compass bearing on how to deal with the sudden loss of a child. As a former Kaba-Ilco representative, John asks for help supporting youth with needs through outdoor experiential education by visiting Jason William Hunt Foundation.....(read more)
Trayvon Martin Saved by Forensic Trace Marker? - If only George Zimmerman had a canister of StranDNA, Trayvon Martin might be alive today. A reported 33% drop in crime recorded in Florida.....(read more)
Door Devil Employs Special Needs & Handicapped Workers - Every once in a while we all come across an individual or a company that seems to do "the right thing". Through Goodwill Industries, employment is provided by ArchAngel to special needs / handicapped workers....(read more)
FWCLA - 10 News Neglected Facts and Mischaracterizations Lead to Wrong Conclusions - Hillsborough County Florida - SOPL investigating the remarks of the FWCLA President - There are NO scammers, only good locksmiths and bad locksmiths.....(read more)
How SECURE Is Your Nice New House? - Consumer Alert! - If you bought your house from the builder and have not yet had it re-keyed by a Society of Professional Locksmiths member, then chances are that your house is not as secure as you think.....(read more)
National Locksmith Magazine Editor Goes Paula Dean! - Publishes Racial Stereotype Slur Against "Brothers from the Hood" - It appears the TNL magazine has a pre-disposition towards African Americans which is cause for concern.....(read more)
SOPL Offers Pro Bono Support to Millburn NJ Home Invasion Victim - The Society of Professional Locksmiths is offering to the victim of this brutal home invasion, security hardware needed to secure her home and protect her children at no cost.....(read more)
Contest - Win a FREE Master Keying Program by Rabbitsoft! - Here is your chance to own the FasterMaster master keying software by Rabbitsoft. Contestants develop their own master key system using a FREE demo program to win!.....(read more)
Definitive Proof that Locksmith Licensing is a Con Job - What Your Not Being Told! - Proponents for locksmith licensing claim that being licensed makes you legitimate. Run Local Locksmith is a licensed locksmith company. Be careful what you wish for!.....(read more)
Mike Bronzell Exposes "Mobster" Meni Agababayev of Run Local Locksmith In ABC Nightline Sting The LOOKOUT - SOPL Locksmith Mike Bronzell with the help of New York locksmith Ira Cheek of CID Locksmith in Jamaica Queens were shown on ABC Nightline consumer report news series known as "The LOOKOUT", with investigative news reporter Bill Weir.....(read more)
ALOA Proposes to Criminalize Acts of Locksmithing - What's really going on? Locksmith may find themselves being charged with a crime if a proposed addition to the Federal Trade Commission C.F.R Title 16 becomes reality. But is it reality or insanity?.....(read more)
Everyone Wins a Fish? - Locksmith Marketing & Survival - What's really going on with locksmiths losing market share? Swim outside the fish bowl and spark your creativity by biting back. Sometimes Your the Shark, Sometimes Your the Fish!....(read more)
Global Security Experts & OnGARD Home Security Products - Jordan Frankel "The Security Sensei" delivers breakthrough products that transform the way individuals and industries guard against sudden natural and man-made attacks.....(read more)
Sovilok Break In Protection Products - American Made, American Tough! - A Thief will kick in your door! Reinforce your weak door frame with the Sovilok System stainless steel security products.....(read more)
Locksmiths are Everyday People - Marty Arnold Speaks Wisdom - Many retail lock shops are rethinking their business model and going mobile.....(read more)
Sometimes Dead Just Isn't Dead Enough - The Locksmith - NOIR meets SCI-FI in this graphic novel thriller by Terrance Grace....(read more)
FREE Locksmith Business Bookkeeping using Google Docs, Accountinator, and WAVE - Small business owners, micro start-ups and soloprenuer locksmiths can enjoy full accounting, invoicing and billing without the expense or fear of bookkeeping!.....(read more)
Hot Gale Winds over Sandy Hook - Locksmith magazine Editor-in-Chief undermines industry and presents misleading negative image to the public.....(read more)
Arizona Law Review references the Society of Professional Locksmiths - Fighting Deceptive Marketing in the Twenty-First Century. The SOPL promoting the locksmith/security industry with positive action and fostering productive results!...(read more)
Purple Heart Recipient Victimized by Locksmith Licensing Law - U.S. Army Iraq War Veteran Elvis Hernandez locked out of locksmith profession by the Texas Department of Public Safety for rescuing a stray dog.....(read more)
FDNY Keys Sold on EBAY - The NY Post - Where there's Smoke, there's Fire - A news story ran in the NY Post about a retired locksmith named Daniel Ferraris from New Jersey who sold a set of 5 keys on Ebay that were being called Masterkeys for the New York City Fire Department. Who is right & who is wrong. The SOPL weighs in.....(read more)
Locksmiths Need Some Balls! - Johnny Meatballs New Jersey - The locksmith can learn a lot from Johnny Meatballs DeCarlo.....(read more)
NY Locksmith License Sponsor Senator Shirley Huntley Faces Arrest - State Senator Shirley Huntley, who sponsored the twice failed locksmith licensing act of New York is preparing for her arrest. “She’s aware the noose is tightening,” said a source familiar with the probe.....(read more)
Texas Showdown - Locksmith License Reform Opportunity - The Texas Red Tape Challenge, a project arm of House Government Efficiency & Reform Committee, which will accept suggestions from all members of the locksmith industry until July 31, 2012.....(read more)
The NY Times - Google - Scammers and the Locksmiths Secret Weapon- NY Times news article exposes "gaming" in the Yellow Pages and Google Search for Locksmiths......(read more)
ALOA Locksmith Key Code Registry Bypassed - VIN to Code Software - Automotive re-marketing company for the OEM's, independent finance companies, regional banks and rental car companies offers software suite and interactive online Vehicle Identification Number to Key Code for repossession subscribers at the click of mouse. Locksmith too have access via a password protected website.....(read more)
SOPL Burning Bridges to Nowhere - A renaissance has begun as a result of the achievements of the SOPL. Learn more about the forward momentum created and why it is necessary to burn a bridge.....(read more)
FREE Electronic Lectures & Labs on Electronic Systems - If you are a locksmith looking for a complete electronics and basic electricity course, then this is it! Plus it is completely FREE!.....(read more)
Understanding Steel Doors - 328 page Online E-Book - The Steel Door Institute (SDI) was established in 1954 and works alongside industry associations to ensure compatibility with products used in conjunction with steel doors and frames. Learn about steel doors.....(read more)
The SOPL Helps Locksmith Earn More - Locksmith Charlie shares how he has increased his earnings more in the last 1 1/2 years as a member of the SOPL then his last 10 years in ALOA.....(read more)
SOPL Helped Us Manage Our Locksmith Operation Better! - Veteran locksmith uses tools provided by the Society of Professional Locksmiths to operate his business more strategically.....(read more)
New Locksmith Business Owner Treated with Respect - Newbie locksmith Brandt Anderson shares his experience as a member of the SOPL.....(read more)
FREE Pre-Employment Screening for Locksmith Owners - Locksmiths who own their own business and are looking for an easy way to screen job applicants can rely on the skills assessment testing application from the Society of Professional Locksmiths.....(read more)
Learn CCTV FREE! - Here is a great 18 page online E-Book that makes learning closed circuity television (CCTV) the EZ way. This resource provides you a condensed and digestible explanation of the world of CCTV.....(read more)
Society of Professional Locksmiths & Partners Come to Aid of Crime Victim - The SOPL, along with partnering hardware manufacturers PDQ Hardware, Door Devil, and Global Security Experts came to the aid of crime victim Linda Duncan of Indianapolis, IN......(read more)
Consumer Advocacy Service Locksmith Ripoffs - Do you think you have been ripped off? We can Help! Invoice & Estimate Audit Available. Submit your information for a no cost review, if there a problems found you can receive a report and help in understanding your options...(read more)
Consumer Lockout Response & Service - When a consumer contacts a locksmith during a lockout they should expect to be asked several questions, not just quoted a flat rate.....(read more)
To Pick, Bypass or Drill a Lock? - Picking a lock is not as simple as many may think. It is not Hollywood where something is simply inserted into a lock and it magically opens.....(read more)
To Replace or Repair - An Educated Consumer is our Best Customer - Door hardware and locks have a life cycle, and depending upon the type, grade and application, may or may not be repairable.....(read more)
Because of the SOPL - I have a Locksmith Business - SOPL is probably one of the best resources I have in the world of Locksmithing. It's because of the SOPL that I even have a Locksmith Business.....(read more)
The History of Door Closers - Before door closers were developed, we used devices made of springs and weights to help close doors and keep them closed. Modern door closers can do even more.....(read more)
How Not to Get Scammed When Locked Out of Your Home - Get Naked & Lose Weight - Consumers no longer need to carry a key ring, and will never need to use the Internet or yellow Pages in search of someone to get them in their homes....(read more)
Society of Professional Locksmiths Members are Easy to Spot - SOPL locksmiths proudly wear their beautifully embroidered membership patch. When you need a professional locksmith - look for the SOPL seal of approval.....(read more)
Your House Key Opens Your Neighbors Door - Consumers are unaware that when they purchase a lockset, deadbolt or decorative hardware at a big box store, they may be getting the same key that opens their neighbors home.....(read more)
Truth Prevails Over Dirty Tactics - Principle Over Profit - Managing Director, Barry Campbell replies to a cowardly cyber attack.....(read more)
'Run Local Locksmith' Owner "Meni The Mobster" Flees the United States! - Internal Revenue Service In Pursuit - News source says all Meni needs is someone to "guide him" and show him how to do things ethically, who will that be?.....(read more)
Part #3 - Truth in Advertising - My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - The FTC, Banjoman15, Tuneman & Screamingfinger all come together in an explosive and dubious revelation....(read more)
PART 2 - Getting Messy - My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - The rabbit hole expands and exposes more details into the world of lead generation and the players involved..... (read more)
My Journey into the Rabbit Hole of Scammers, Scoundrels, ALOA Security Professionals Association & Britney Spears? - Is ALOA & the Scammers one in the same? Take a journey down the rabbit hole into a bizarro world with a complex matrix full of allusions and illusion.....(read more)
Why the Society of Professional Locksmiths is the Better Choice - It is a Hunch State where all ideas are good ideas and the locksmiths ideas and voice are respected and heard!.....(read more)
Getting the Most Out of the ILCO 008 Key Machine & Jet 9000 - Converting the ILCO 008 Mini Mite Key Machine and JT-9000 to act as a code cutting machine.....(read more)
Where's The Beef in Reporting the Truth About Locksmith Scammers? - Nebraskan News Reporter Chad Silber the ONLY news reporter in the United States that has reported accurately about what is known as "locksmith scammers".....(read more)
Existing Consumer Protection Laws Proven Effective - Locksmith Licensing Proven Ineffective - Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Protection (GOCP) has fined a scammer operation almost $112,000,effectively demonstrating that scammers posing as a locksmtih can be attacked under existing laws, whereas licensing laws have proven themselves ineffective.....(read more)
Licensing Boards Under Fire from Federal Trade Commission - State licensing boards are under fire from the Federal Trade Commission for restricting competition, raising consumer prices, violating antitrust laws, and reducing customer choices.....(read more)
Lessons Learned in Locksmithing - Lessons Learned Walking with Jason, a Book by John F. Hunt - John’s odyssey is a very personal journey of self-discovery and gives us a compass bearing on how to deal with the sudden loss of a child. As a former Kaba-Ilco representative, John asks for help supporting youth with needs through outdoor experiential education by visiting Jason William Hunt Foundation.....(read more)
Trayvon Martin Saved by Forensic Trace Marker? - If only George Zimmerman had a canister of StranDNA, Trayvon Martin might be alive today. A reported 33% drop in crime recorded in Florida.....(read more)
Door Devil Employs Special Needs & Handicapped Workers - Every once in a while we all come across an individual or a company that seems to do "the right thing". Through Goodwill Industries, employment is provided by ArchAngel to special needs / handicapped workers....(read more)
FWCLA - 10 News Neglected Facts and Mischaracterizations Lead to Wrong Conclusions - Hillsborough County Florida - SOPL investigating the remarks of the FWCLA President - There are NO scammers, only good locksmiths and bad locksmiths.....(read more)
How SECURE Is Your Nice New House? - Consumer Alert! - If you bought your house from the builder and have not yet had it re-keyed by a Society of Professional Locksmiths member, then chances are that your house is not as secure as you think.....(read more)
National Locksmith Magazine Editor Goes Paula Dean! - Publishes Racial Stereotype Slur Against "Brothers from the Hood" - It appears the TNL magazine has a pre-disposition towards African Americans which is cause for concern.....(read more)
SOPL Offers Pro Bono Support to Millburn NJ Home Invasion Victim - The Society of Professional Locksmiths is offering to the victim of this brutal home invasion, security hardware needed to secure her home and protect her children at no cost.....(read more)
Contest - Win a FREE Master Keying Program by Rabbitsoft! - Here is your chance to own the FasterMaster master keying software by Rabbitsoft. Contestants develop their own master key system using a FREE demo program to win!.....(read more)
Definitive Proof that Locksmith Licensing is a Con Job - What Your Not Being Told! - Proponents for locksmith licensing claim that being licensed makes you legitimate. Run Local Locksmith is a licensed locksmith company. Be careful what you wish for!.....(read more)
Mike Bronzell Exposes "Mobster" Meni Agababayev of Run Local Locksmith In ABC Nightline Sting The LOOKOUT - SOPL Locksmith Mike Bronzell with the help of New York locksmith Ira Cheek of CID Locksmith in Jamaica Queens were shown on ABC Nightline consumer report news series known as "The LOOKOUT", with investigative news reporter Bill Weir.....(read more)
ALOA Proposes to Criminalize Acts of Locksmithing - What's really going on? Locksmith may find themselves being charged with a crime if a proposed addition to the Federal Trade Commission C.F.R Title 16 becomes reality. But is it reality or insanity?.....(read more)
Everyone Wins a Fish? - Locksmith Marketing & Survival - What's really going on with locksmiths losing market share? Swim outside the fish bowl and spark your creativity by biting back. Sometimes Your the Shark, Sometimes Your the Fish!....(read more)
Global Security Experts & OnGARD Home Security Products - Jordan Frankel "The Security Sensei" delivers breakthrough products that transform the way individuals and industries guard against sudden natural and man-made attacks.....(read more)
Sovilok Break In Protection Products - American Made, American Tough! - A Thief will kick in your door! Reinforce your weak door frame with the Sovilok System stainless steel security products.....(read more)
Locksmiths are Everyday People - Marty Arnold Speaks Wisdom - Many retail lock shops are rethinking their business model and going mobile.....(read more)
Sometimes Dead Just Isn't Dead Enough - The Locksmith - NOIR meets SCI-FI in this graphic novel thriller by Terrance Grace....(read more)
FREE Locksmith Business Bookkeeping using Google Docs, Accountinator, and WAVE - Small business owners, micro start-ups and soloprenuer locksmiths can enjoy full accounting, invoicing and billing without the expense or fear of bookkeeping!.....(read more)
Hot Gale Winds over Sandy Hook - Locksmith magazine Editor-in-Chief undermines industry and presents misleading negative image to the public.....(read more)
Arizona Law Review references the Society of Professional Locksmiths - Fighting Deceptive Marketing in the Twenty-First Century. The SOPL promoting the locksmith/security industry with positive action and fostering productive results!...(read more)
Purple Heart Recipient Victimized by Locksmith Licensing Law - U.S. Army Iraq War Veteran Elvis Hernandez locked out of locksmith profession by the Texas Department of Public Safety for rescuing a stray dog.....(read more)
FDNY Keys Sold on EBAY - The NY Post - Where there's Smoke, there's Fire - A news story ran in the NY Post about a retired locksmith named Daniel Ferraris from New Jersey who sold a set of 5 keys on Ebay that were being called Masterkeys for the New York City Fire Department. Who is right & who is wrong. The SOPL weighs in.....(read more)
Locksmiths Need Some Balls! - Johnny Meatballs New Jersey - The locksmith can learn a lot from Johnny Meatballs DeCarlo.....(read more)
NY Locksmith License Sponsor Senator Shirley Huntley Faces Arrest - State Senator Shirley Huntley, who sponsored the twice failed locksmith licensing act of New York is preparing for her arrest. “She’s aware the noose is tightening,” said a source familiar with the probe.....(read more)
Texas Showdown - Locksmith License Reform Opportunity - The Texas Red Tape Challenge, a project arm of House Government Efficiency & Reform Committee, which will accept suggestions from all members of the locksmith industry until July 31, 2012.....(read more)
The NY Times - Google - Scammers and the Locksmiths Secret Weapon- NY Times news article exposes "gaming" in the Yellow Pages and Google Search for Locksmiths......(read more)
ALOA Locksmith Key Code Registry Bypassed - VIN to Code Software - Automotive re-marketing company for the OEM's, independent finance companies, regional banks and rental car companies offers software suite and interactive online Vehicle Identification Number to Key Code for repossession subscribers at the click of mouse. Locksmith too have access via a password protected website.....(read more)