Industry Interviews

Enjoy some of the best live interviews made by These interviews demonstrate how effective Lock Radio project was in creating a new wave of media coverage that cost pennies to produce.
Lock Radio went on the air in January 2006, and accomplished a new standard in media delivery for the locksmith industry. Industry news, interviews, podcasts, education and the very first online trade show were all success stories for this project.
These interviews are informative, funny and part of the locksmith industry history. They demonstrate how common members of the Society of Professional Locksmiths work together to accomplish uncommon achievements!
Turn on your speakers and select the play buttons.
Uncle Joe! Think BIG!
Joey Dalessio is back and HOT! Learn from this educated and informed inspirational speaker. Learn what you must do, should do and you could do. This is about the business of the business, and Joey "D" delivers it as it should be. Not just a talking head, Joey "D" talks technical and exposes a new business owners group that has developed. Speak with confidence and walk the talk with Joey "D" and grow your bottom line! It’s like having an Uncle in the business!
Joey "D" - Being a Pro!
WHAM BAM! Joey Dalessio delivers like Joey "D" does! In this high energy, fast paced session the listener will learn about trends in the security industry, professionalism, business marketing and a whole lot more. Former Vice President of Medeco High Security Locks, Joey provides insights and inspirational forecasts along with some sobering information of where this industry has been and where they may be going. Build it strong, built for a lifetime with Joey "D".
Man in Black - World CHampion Safecraker
Considered the
new Houdini, Jeff Sitar World Champion Safe Cracker provides a glimpse into the
dark & exotic world safe manipulation. With safe openings as fast as 2-3
minutes, Jeff has been featured on 20/20, Opra Winfrey, To Catch A Thief, Time
Magazine, N.Y. Times and much more. This man in black offers his philosophical
and martial arts approach to his concentration and the challenges encountered
in safe container penetration. Share the stories of some exciting experiences
and learn how he dedicates himself to other in the Special Olympics.
Pat Baker - Selling Safes is EASY!
Nobody does it better then Pat Baker. Learn from the master himself. When it comes to understanding the "sell" in safe sales, Pat provides you the road map. In this relaxed interview he delivers an educated approach that keeps you listening. Stop selling yourself short and increase your bottom line by listening to Pats wisdom, it may change your perspective as well as your good fortune. If there was ever an interview to enjoy, this is the one!
Female Perspective #1
This is the 1st
part of a continual expose’ about in women in locksmithing, Wendy Woods speaks
out and speaks up! Ms. Woods delivers compelling experiences in a spirited tone
describing many positive and negative situations that will capture your attention
and make you think. Unlike written industry articles, the Female Perspective
provides you the reality of females working in what is considered a man’s
world. Ms. Woods challenges the myths in her New York service territory and
wants you to know it!
Female Perspective #2
Meet Ms. Tami Calhoun and enjoy an interview that will make you smile, make laugh and make you think! Tami delivers a great interview about her small begin, struggles, transitions and ultimate success. Learn how Tami made some major changes both in her business as well as her person outlook on life and how it impacted upon her achievements. Tami sends a message to young teen age girls as well as the love of her life in this inspiration interview.
The Gaza Project - Part #1
Professional Locksmith Mike Bronzell reveals a national locksmith scam and presents a compelling and sobering scenario that is happening in your home town. Commonly known on the streets as the Gaza Project, this consumer targeted fraud has reached national media coverage such as FOX News and ABC News, along with law enforcement intervention. Learn from Mike the methodology of these fraudulent service companies, how to avoid using them and who to contact if you have been a victim. Also hear from Mr. Ray Miller a feisty senior citizen who fought back. This is a must hear interview.
Gaza Project - Ray Miller Fraud Victim Takes Action
Listen to Scam Victim Ray Miller, a senior citizen from Chicago who decided he had enough with how he was ripped off by what has become a national scam known as the "Gaza Project" where undocumented Israeli nationals have been found to be posing as locksmiths and using deceptive business practices. Listen to Rays story and learn more about this problem which has been going on for over 15 years!
Gaza Project - Israeli Locksmith Speaks Out!
Hear from a legitimate locksmith who just happens to be an Israeli. Listen to his story and his dissatisfaction about the growing national scam known as the "Gaza Project". Get some insight on how his legitimate NJ based business has been affected and why he is not happy. You will get some great insight listening to a person who not only knows what is going on, but has actually confronted those involved to stop!
Gaza Project - The North Jersey Master Locksmiths
In this compelling interview of several business owners from NJ, you will hear their struggles to address the growing locksmith scams. These bold individuals took action against the primary providers who enable these scams to thrive - The Yellow Pages' Learn how their addresses, telephone numbers and even their names where hijacked by these scam artists and what the Yellow Page reps and executives did or did not do to help. The beginning of this interview has some interference noise due to the use of a wireless phone during the interview, it will stop after 12 minutes into the interview so don't stop listening. This interview of several business owners is worth tolerating the technical problem.
1-800-Unlocks - A Legitimate National & Local Service Provider
A very interesting interview with Jeff Musser of, a nationwide automated dispatch service designed exclusively for the professional locksmith. Jeff explains in detail how his program works and why it is beneficial to those in the network. Learn about the struggles this company experienced and the success stories it has achieved. 1-800-UNLOCKS puts the power of a nationally recognized vanity number in the hands of the professional locksmiths.
Residential force protection has never been easier with Strikemaster! Inventor Ed Anderson as an ex-Marine knows all about force protection and he brings his experience and welcoming "Esprit de corps" to this interview. Learn how to earn "real" money using a product that anyone can install in minutes. Stop kick-ins or repair damaged door frames professionally in minutes while restoring the integrity of the frame with aesthetic appeal! This interview is filled with information that you can't afford to miss. Nobody does it better then Ed as he blends his faith and his desire to provide a consumer driven product that is affordable and works!
Don O'Shall
Enjoy some time with Don O'Shall, a locksmith who contributed many educational resources, articles, manuals and "How To Tips" along his career. Don shares his failures and success in his typical open and friendly fashion. Take a ride with him as he shares his wisdom from mistakes made to current success in his new publishing business.
NAPCO Freedom Alarm with Will St. Clair
Learn all about NAPCO Freedom Alarm and how it can increase your profits. Will St. Clair explains in detail the nuances of this innovative product which anyone can install. Finally, an alarm system that integrates with a deadbolt trigger that a locksmith can install with ease and reliability.
All Five Lock Company - Service with a Smile
All Five Lock Company known as "The Sweet Hearts of the Industry". Enjoy this fun filled interview with Joe Nemec as he introduces this new company and their value priced quality product. Take a stroll down memory lane and learn about "Brass Alley", LORI products and other wonderful product, people, places and things that Joe has been a part of in his career. Don't miss out on knowing more about the history of your industry as Joe helps deliver.
Bill Lee Speaks Out - ALOA Presidents Club Member Breaks Ranks
A story you won't want to miss. Hear an ALOA Presidents Club Member story on why he broke ranks after years of high level recruitment for this organization. A very compelling story shared by many but perfectly explained by Bill Lee. Also learn more about opportunities Bill is involved with and how they can benefit you. Listen to this big framed soft spoken man as he explains he has had enough and won't be silenced!
Bill Neff - Cracks BMW & VW Transponder Security Systems
For years locksmiths have been "locked out" by dealers to provide service to the consumer, Bill Neff of discusses how all this has changed. Automotive locksmiths can now enter into this emerging market with confidence and the consumer now has an alternative to the high costs of doing business with a manufacturers dealer. Spend some time with one of the most internationally recognized and respected authorities in the automotive locksmithing field. Bill shares his genius with humor and vigor as only Bill can. Learn about the high earning potential and how you can increase your bottom line in ways you may have thought impossible.
Bill Neff & Brandon Graver - Transponder CRACKS & HS Lock Decoders
Back again Bill Neff shoots from the hip with more innovative developments. In this energized and entertaining interview he explains a variety of new tools and devices and how they easily work. Meet "Pretty Boy" Brandon Graver the hands on field expert in automotive transponder chip technology and high security locking systems. This young maverick is on the move and will be a name to remember. In a short time his quick study and expertise has catapulted from "roofing" into the lucrative field of automotive locksmithing. Challenged by the technology Brandon finds himself committed to finding solutions to help the locksmiths continue to do what the manufacturers say can't be done by the aftermarket. tune into this interview and get informed!
Frank Markisello - The Godfather Automotive Force Tools
We all know him as the "Godfather" and this humble guy is an industry icon who contributed scores of locksmith tips & tricks as well as contributing his innovative automotive tools. Identified as the original lock force tools or bypass tools, Frank Markisello has been award industry praise as he develops tools that make you money! Sit back and you will get a kick out Franks colorful delivery as he share his stories about how he became a locksmith and how he ran his shop with all his daughters. A mans man and ex-Marine, Frank gives it to you straight!
The Unsung Hero - Tom Seroogy Makes Things Happen
Nobody does it better then "Ser-oog", an educated soft spoken achiever who has provided years of educational support to the locksmith industry. One of the locksmith industry Unsung Heros, this interview exposes many of his contributions and deserving recognition. take this opportunity to learn just how many locksmiths he has helped in achieving their goals. As past editor and contributing writer to the National Locksmith magazine, he has authored many papers and self help technical manuals. He was the driving force behind the highly successful PUREAuto program. Get to know one of the most recognized and respect individuals in this industry.
Abdul - New Automotive Locksmith Doing it Right
From a "lot jockey" to a Professional Automotive Security Specialist, Abdul shares his story. Get on the inside track with this sobering interview and learn how anyone can succeed in this business if they set their goals and go for it! Abdul shares his feelings as to his "minority" and how he achieved the American Dream through hard work and dedication.
Door Jam Armor - You can huff & puff!
"Big Man" Allen Young former NFL football player tackles force entry issues. Listen to this really nice guy share his story about how he ended up in the locksmith industry with his new product and how it can prevent brute force. In this eloquent delivery he explains in detail the nuances surrounding forced residential entry and door frame destruction and repair. You can huff & puff, but this door won't blow down!
Gator is in the Pond!
Have a great time listening to the Cajun Crooner known as "GATOR"! Nobody says it more loud or clear then this guy. One of the more colorful locksmiths in the industry, Gator shares his feelings about a host of things as he reminisces about old friends and his business operation in New Orleans. Although affect be the great Hurricane Katrina, Gator adds his humor and good spirit to deliver an enjoyable interview that only Lock Radio could provide. Take a dip in the pond with Gator and put a smile on your face.
Peterson Mfg - Doing it his Way!
No doubt about it, Peterson Mfg. has made a dent into the locksmith industry with everything from patented proprietary devices to simple picks and lock bypass tools. A real colorful and driven innovator, Ken Pierson lays out his companies evolution. With humor, wit and wisdom Ken exposes what has set his company apart by doing it his way. Commonly identified as the booth with all the people swarming around it, Peterson Mfg. continues to excite the professional locksmith. Come and hear what the buzz is all about.
Tom Thill - Genius Does it AGAIN!
Long time automotive locksmith Tom Thill delivers another first in his innovative tool designs. Enjoy this interview with one of the more interesting & eccentric locksmiths who has contributed trade articles, tools and service procedures to address problematic issues facing the industry. from the Club Popper to his GM Ignition Tryout Kits, Tommy delivers again! Tune in and enjoy listening to a critical thinker and possible genius.
VW Truck Driver Stranded by OEM
Vroom Vroom Vroom away with this mad truck driver as he explains why he was left stranded by the auto manufacture Volkswagon. Part of a national issue surrounding the Automotive Right To Repair Act and the ongoing NASTF & Vehicle Security Committee evolution, this truck driver finds himself smack in the middle of the tug of war between vehicle security and customer convenience and care. Listen in on this interview and learn just what happened and why! Enjoy a few comical moments as this driver shares his personal rebel opinion.
Randy Mize - The Famous Hick-in-a-Hat
He "ain't" no dumb Hick-in-a-Hat. Automotive locksmith Randy Mize delivers a spirited and upbeat interview as he enjoys some free time in a pub with Lock Radio. This "good ole boy" is internationally recognized as a leading authority in automotive transponder technology and he shares his expertise and good nature. This Hick-in-a-Hat is branded by his always present baseball hat. Part of the "Original 4" Pit Crew members, Randy continues to lead the Lockmasters PUREAuto training seminars and provides technical development and support for the Ilco transponder key programmers. Learn about the old school redneck perspective from an award winning Hick-in-a-Hat!
Jeff "Tiny" Trepanier - All 5' 20"
Share a short laugh with "Tiny" as Lock radio spots him in the crowd. Hard to miss at 6'8" Tiny has made his mark in the locksmith industry as an automotive locksmith. Contributing articles to the Locksmith Ledger, and participating in automotive training seminars, Tiny is a man of few words but when he speaks it will bring as smile to your face. Spend this brief moment with another locksmith who has made a difference.
Pop-A-Lock Rob Reynolds - OoRah!
If the locksmith trade rated performance like the U.S. Army, Rob Reynolds would receive a 4.0! Honorable discharged from the Army, Rob has transformed Pop-A-Lock franchises into a growing national franchise with a mission. Here is your opportunity to hear it from a straight shooter who is willing to set the record straight about his companies operation, pricing and recruitment. Staying hard, staying lean...Pop-A-Lock is staying strong and expanding their market like never before. Oorah!
GPLA - Marty Arnold Speaks His Mind
Here comes Marty! In this candid interview Marty who has been very active in his locksmith association shares his thoughts on the state of the industry, his organization and the future of locksmithing. Get a unique perspective from a professional who began his career in 1960 who is not afraid to confront the issues and what things he has done to make a difference in recruitment of employees, education and his local association. A man of passion and commitment, Marty doesn't skip a beat!