![]() Locksets occupy a prominent place on almost every door in the world. A lockset keeps a door in a closed position. It can also grant or deny access to a building, room, closet, or hallway. Billions of locksets are in use. Abuse, vandalism, and just normal wear can prevent a lock from functioning properly. A locksmiths role often has three parts: • detective, • physician, and • mechanic. As a detective, they discover what is causing the lock to malfunction. As a physician, they prescribe a course of action to “heal” the lock. And finally, as a mechanic, they physically repair the lock, returning it to a useful state. Webster’s Dictionary defines a locksmith as a person whose work is making and repairing locks and keys. Understanding what can go wrong with a lock and how to repair it is one of the most important skills a locksmith can possess. Mastering lock servicing is a lifetime journey. With literally hundreds of different locksets in use, it would be impossible to learn how to service all of them. However, there are core behaviors associated with all locksets that a professional locksmith is able to recognize and think through a unique situation to resolve. Some locksets are considered "consumer expendables". These are typically locksets that are less expensive or equal to the cost of trying to service or repair them. In this case you locksmith will become your garbage man, because it make wiser sense to throw these out then waste time and money trying to make them work. Installing a new lockset is a consumers best option in this situation. If you are having trouble with your lockset and would like a professional locksmith to investigate, recommend and repair or replace, call your local SOPL Locksmith to receive professional advice and service. Always ask for a written estimate before the work commences and compare it with the final invoice. Make sure you inspect the finished work several times and get your warranty in writing before paying. Most quality lock brands come with a warranty and most locksmiths also give a warranty on their installation. Members of he Society of Professional Locksmiths participate in continuing education and professional development programs to provide the consumer the best possible service.
National and local news stories have described many consumers being taken advantage of by scam operations when they use Internet search engines or Yellow Page advertising to locate a locksmith to help them when locked out. The Society of Professional Locksmiths suggests consumers eliminate the use of at least one key operated lock on their home and replace it with a mechanical push button lock (PBL). Lose the keys and you lose weight! Consumers no longer need to carry a key ring, and will never need to use the Internet or yellow Pages in search of someone to get them in their homes. It's like shedding your clothes with a naked sense of freedom. So instead of having your fingers do the walking in the Yellow Pages or pecking away at your smart phones, just let your fingers open your door! This simple solution guarantees consumers peace of mind that they will never be scammed or ripped off by those posing as professional locksmiths. These mechanical push button locks are a quick and easy upgrade to your existing doors and require no special add-on, power source or recurring costs. Reasonably priced, cost effective and durable, these PBL's are a consumers best option. If you would like to lose some weight and protect yourself from getting scammed, call your local SOPL Locksmith to receive professional advice and service, but please have your clothes on! Members of he Society of Professional Locksmiths participate in continuing education and professional development programs.
![]() The Society of Professional Locksmiths appreciates News Reporter Chad Silber for being the ONLY news reporter in the United States that has reported accurately about what is known as "locksmith scammers." This young cub, nailed his recent news report by clearly identifying that locksmiths are not engaged in scamming the consumers. His news headline reads - "Criminals Acting as Locksmiths to Steal from Victims." There was no fluff reporting or blatant activist style reporting which as we have seen elsewhere. The SOPL has for a very long time advocated for the hardworking locksmiths while other locksmith associations subversively supported and aided in the misinformation in order to force failed and unwanted licensing on the industry in order to restrain trade and eliminate competition. Nebraska is characterized as a major producer of beef, and pork, and Chad certainly delivered that beef! The only pork I saw was the subliminal reference of showing the Yellow Page disclaimer notice 2 times that reads - "State or local law may require locksmiths to be licensed. If you have any questions regarding licensure, please contact your locksmith licensing authority." Since there is no such thing in Nebraska why show it unless it is yet another attempt to make a false impression? I think Nebraskan's can see through the false sense of security offered by licensing. Either way it appears that maybe the news media is starting to hear the voice of the SOPL, and realizing the fact that many of them have been misled by those with a licensing agenda. This agenda has been proven to be a con job, flawed and a failure that has only harmed the industry. The locksmith industry does not want it, but a minority group with special interests does and falsely claim it will stop those posing as locksmith. It doesn't and has not. Reference: Definitive Proof that Locksmith Licensing is a Con Job - What Your Not Being Told! So for now, and hopefully in the future Chad Silber of Channel 10/11 - KOLN-TV Lincoln, Nebraska will continue to deliver the beef. I felt the following video was appropriate! Reference: SOPL News Media Resource Page
Existing Consumer Protection Laws Proven Effective - Locksmith Licensing Proven Ineffective8/15/2013 Written By: Barry Campbell, Managing Director SOPL ![]() The latest (August, 2013) National Locksmith magazine rehashes a scammer investigation by an Atlanta television station from earlier this year. Anyone who has watched the original video for the story (http://www.11alive.com/news/article/292516/320/Undercover-Locksmith-Investigation) may have noticed something odd. At about 1:38 into the video, a van belonging to one of the “legitimate” locksmiths consulted for the story is seen. Clearly displayed on the van is the word “Licensed”. But, Georgia does not license locksmiths. In a story about fraud and misrepresentation by scammers, you would think someone might have asked how a locksmith could claim to be licensed in a state that does not issue locksmith licenses. Meanwhile, also in Georgia, the Governor's Office of Consumer Protection (GOCP) has fined a scammer operation almost $112,000 (http://www.coosavalleynews.com/np103415.htm). Can any locksmith licensing board match that? The GOCP effectively demonstrates that scammers posing as a locksmtih can be attacked under existing laws, whereas licensing laws have proven themselves ineffective (http://www.sopl.us/4/post/2013/06/definitive-proof-that-locksmith-licensing-is-a-con-job-what-your-not-being-told.html). And, unlike what was stated in the article copied in the National Locksmith - “Warnings have been placed on the Associated Locksmiths of America's website about mobile locksmiths masquerading as local companies.” - the Atlanta scammer was NOT a mobile locksmith. They had a physical location in Atlanta (http://www.bbb.org/atlanta/business-reviews/locks-and-locksmiths/atlanta-solution-locksmith-in-atlanta-ga-27247383). Despite seeing how to effectively deal with scammers, the local Georgia locksmith association and politicians still want to add regulations that will be enforced on the legitimate locksmiths (http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/22934119/state-lawmaker-wants-to-regulate-locksmiths). Some folks just refuse to learn! Or, as seen in a popular meme making the rounds on Facebook – a horse stating that, “You can lead a human to knowledge, but you can't make him think.” ![]() Barry Campbell, owner of Altic Lock Service and Managing Director of the Society of Professional Locksmiths. Barry is a graduate of Valparaiso University with a degree in Criminal Justice. He has worked in private security, investigations, and loss prevention. He is the author of A Homeowner's Guide to Residential Door Security. barry also is a former Professional member of the International Conference of Building Officials and a current Building Safety Professional member of the International Code Council. dit. In May, 2010 award winning investigative journalist Barbara Haiss Martin's news blog called The Locksmith Investigator presented a 3 part article covering the Florida West Coast Locksmiths Association (FWCLA) involvement with the Florida legislature while trying to pass locksmith licensing. In her investigation she questions the accuracy of statements being made and positions of the public officials who were being petitioned to regulate the hardworking locksmiths of Florida. One of the sponsors of the licensing bill was Senator Victor Crist (R). Earlier in 2009, WTSP 10 News in Tampa Florida, a Gannett company began to run a news story where they claim to have exposed "locksmiths" who engaged in a classic bait and switch. However, these were not and still are not "locksmiths". They are scammers "posing" as locksmiths, there is a huge difference! At the time as I reviewed the news reports from 10 news I felt there were several mischaracterizations and a lot of missing information regarding the issue being reported. So it was refreshing to see Barbara Haiss Martins honesty and assessment of the facts. Accurate answers? Part 1: Just what did FWCLA and ALOA tell the Florida legislators about Florida locksmiths? Accurate answers? Part 2: FWCLA and ALOA’s flawed evidence about Florida locksmiths continues Accurate answers? Part 3: Neglected facts and mischaracterizations lead to wrong conclusions Fast forward today in 2013 and we see the FWCLA once again presenting a case to regulate the locksmiths and 10 News staking a claim that "they helped change locksmith standards". This title in a recent news article caught my attention, since it was odd that a news reporting service would take such a position, especially when considering that the repercussions and legacy that may come with it since it could potentially damage a locksmiths livelihood. I also questioned what standards? While reading the article and viewing the video, I couldn't help but remember where Barbara called into question the accuracy of things being told to public officials. It was like deja vue! Could the FWCLA, 10 News and Hillsborough County Commissioner be doing it again? It looked that way to me, so I began my own investigation to find out why the mischaracterizations and misinformation continues and what I discovered is disturbing. The Florida West Coast Locksmiths Association President Steve Wyman stated in the written online article that there are thousands of complaints each month, yet a call to the Hillsborough County Consumer Protection Agency revealed that this was not true. A communication was sent to the FWCLA President to clarify his statement and he expressed in an email that he never said such a thing, When pressed further he stated he was "mis-quoted". A subsequent communication to the 10 News investigative team resulted in their "standing by their story" and the quote! So who is telling the truth and why do we seem to witness the proponents of regulating and licensing of locksmiths always being mis-quoted, and the news always failing to investigate and produce any evidence that locksmith licensing has proven effective in combating these phony locksmiths anywhere. The SOPL has presented many examples of this repeated manipulation of the facts or stretching of the truth and the excuses that follow when those involved get caught. So if the news media is always mis-quoting these people - why speak to them unless that is your intent? Legislators review many bills each year and cannot be expected to know and understand how every industry works or what its needs are. One way they obtain information is to rely on proponents of a bill to provide them with facts, and then they should investigate if these facts are true and complete. Many of these people claim to be experts yet they fail to present relevant facts that when not provided will lead to wrong conclusions. In Hillsborough County Florida we see that they believe the locksmiths are to blame for what those "posing as locksmiths" are doing, and they state that they are going to change the "industry" standards and have backup from those who "speak for the industry". Hillsborough Board Chairman Ken Hagan appears to be supporting the same wrong conclusions arising from misinformation, dis-information and manipulation from those who have no right to claim the "industry" wants licensing and regulations. The FWCLA is not the industry, and if Mr. Hagan and others would do the proper research and consult with other professionals, they would learn that in every example of licensing of the locksmiths, it is a failure that has ultimately harmed and burdened the locksmiths while cheating the consumer. In the news reports there is a repeated claim that the industry (FWCLA) came to the regulators "wanting regulation". This is very important as you will see later. Ex Senator, now County Commissioner Crist goes so far as to say that the locksmith industry is a totally unregulated and that licensing will "ensure" to the consumer that they are getting a bonafide craftsman. Really? Has Mr. Crist or any of the experts paid attention to the SOPL news article belows? He should! Definitive Proof that Locksmith Licensing is a Con Job - What Your Not Being Told! or Arizona Law Review references the Society of Professional Locksmiths - Fighting Deceptive Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Has anyone in Hillsborough County political machine or the FWCLA even reviewed Barbara Haiss Martins results analysis? If the Hillsborough County Commission thinks they have their backs covered by industry experts, they better think twice and question why they were not told about these relevant facts. Because from the looks of it the only ones being swindled will be them, while the consumer is sold a false sense of security and the good hardworking locksmiths who have done nothing wrong will be penalized. Remember, the locksmiths have not done anything inappropriate, it is scammers posing as locksmiths. This too is important as you will see later! As a result of the SOPL investigating the remarks of the FWCLA President, I found the typical contradictions and game play going on, and it is cause for concern. Proponents of licensing of the locksmiths are often found incapable of maintaining or responding to simple common sense logic and often confuse themselves, double talk, and ultimately resort to outright lying. It is a pervasive sickness that exists among those in the "industry" who have ulterior motives and they can't keep up with all their contradictions, and it leaves you scratching your head wondering if these individuals are sane or not. When I first questioned the claim of thousands of complaints in an email on June 21st, I was told by the FWCLA President that I was ignorant and had my foot in my mouth because it was never said. Then I was told on June 23rd, it was a misprint and no such comment was made and that the consumer protection agency may have said it. Also on June 23rd, the FWCLA President made the following request to me when he realized I was not ignorant, nor did I have my foot in my mouth - "You own a magazine / radio company, interview me, or are you afraid your readers / listeners will find my argument more convincing then your own. " According to 10 News Reporter Noah Pransky, they are standing by their story which implys the FWCLA President said exactly what they printed. Also remember an earlier call to the county consumer protection agency revealed this claim is untrue. Communications to the FWCLA President were not intended to be an interview of any kind, but he felt he wanted an interview! So I am giving him all the attention he asked for. In a display of vanity he even sent me a picture of himself to included! Be careful what you ask for, I guess. I then asked the FWCLA President if he could produce any evidence that locksmith licensing has proven effective in combating these phony locksmiths anywhere and to produce the resource that reflects thousands of complaints a month. I also pointed out how in every instance where licensing existed has hurt the locksmiths, and that honorable mobile locksmiths are now being discredited alongside scammers and that he did not speak for the "industry" when he makes the claims he has. So why say such a thing? No evidence or proof was provided to the question ask above. The same question was asked of 10 News, and sent to the Hillsborough County Committee along with Mr. Crist and there also was no answer was provided. As I pressed on with my communications with the FWCLA President I was shocked to learn that he was not really for licensing, but he would "win" either way and that he believed his ordinance is going to happen because the people with the power want it to happen. The locksmiths are not as important to him as his customers are. The locksmiths, law makers and consumers are being told the "industry wants it", so who is telling the truth and who are the people with the power? Licensing may in fact pass in a hyper local political arena, but the fact remains that not one person can produce any evidence that locksmith licensing has proven effective in combating these phony locksmiths anywhere or protected the consumer beyond existing laws which are not enforced. As far as the FWCLA Presidents feelings towards other locksmiths outside his organization, which he refers to as "hillbillies with an axe to grind" in an email sent to the consumer protection agency, leaves me wondering if they would agree that the he speaks for the "industry". There will be an open meeting on Thursday evening July 18th at 7:30 pm. held at Temple Crest Center, 4242 Miller Ave., Tampa Florida for all locksmiths in the Hillsborough area, but I would suggest other locksmiths in adjacent counties attend because you may be the next victim of licensing. As a result of my investigation into the accuracy of the claims made, I have been falsely accused by the FWCLA President of being on the wrong side of the issue and that I wish to train criminals. I find this a serious allegation if it were not so damn funny and all part of the playbook by which these proponents follow. When they can't answer relevant questions, they drop back and make wild accusations as if they are being threatened. Considering the FWCLA President tried to dangle a carrot for the SOPL to cash in on a proposed mandatory Life Safety class online for the locksmiths to get and to maintain a license in that area, I guess they all must be criminals in Hillsborough County if the SOPL is to teach them according his prior accusation!! The SOPL provides support as needed, if needed. Any participation in occupational license training is and has been focused on supporting our peers. If anyone needs a life safety reference, here ya go - http://www.sopl.us/fire--life-safety-codes.html The SOPL and I will not be bought and our organizations mission statement is pretty clear. The FWCLA President must have the SOPL mixed up with another national organization! The SOPL actually cares about the success and future of the locksmiths and offers the honest locksmiths every possible resource to do so, without picking their pockets. Summary - Mr. Wyman, President of the Florida West Coast Locksmiths Association has stated that "there are NO scammers, only good locksmiths and bad locksmiths." If this is the case then he is legitimizing the scammers who are not locksmiths at all, which explains why after "hundreds of statements given to reporters" he has never made it a point to make sure the media and lawmakers stop identifying the scammers as locksmiths and call them what they are. If he did, then they could not create the mischaracterizations that are being presented to the consumer in order to create an emotional response to justify their agenda for licensing. Rather then educate the consumer, the proponents of licensing use the media to drive their agenda even when it has been proven not to protect the consumer or stop the scams. In addition, tax revenues will be lost when the hardworking locksmiths are affected by the financial burdens added to their already struggling businesses. Meanwhile, those posing as locksmiths will continue their activities since licensing does not offer any assurances as Mr. Crist has stated. If I had a crystal ball I would say Hillsborough County locksmiths will find themselves licensed, consumers will experience higher prices, there will be a lack of alternative services, reduced quality and longer wait times for service. The county will not have the revenues need to enforce any ordinance, and there will be little to no enforcement due to lack of funds. Several locksmiths will go out of business, or become unemployed and the state will lose tax revenue. The FWCLA and Mr. Wyman will have the legacy of what will come from it further down the road. Just be careful, because Hillbillies with axes to grind have a long memory! Of course, we have been told this is all about protecting the consumer......is it? What do you think? Add your Comments Below Additional Reading -
Mike Bronzell Exposes "Mobster" Meni Agababayev of Run Local Locksmith In ABC Nightline Sting - The LOOKOUT ALOA Proposes to Criminalize Acts of Locksmithing NY Locksmith License Sponsor Senator Shirley Huntley Faces Arrest Purple Heart Recipient Victimized by Locksmith Licensing Law - U.S. Army Iraq War Veteran Locked Out Of Profession For Rescuing Stray Dog Arizona Law Review references the Society of Professional Locksmiths - Fighting Deceptive Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Texas Auditors Afraid of Licensed Locksmiths - by T.F. Stern Texas Showdown – Locksmith License Reform Opportunity Are You A Professional Locksmith? Everyone Wins a Fish? - Locksmith Marketing & Survival Please help spread the word and Tweet or give us a Like below. When I first came across the SOVILOCK name I had to chuckle since I struggled with the name. I hadn't actually seen the product when a friend of mine gave me the nod that it deserved attention. I wasn't sure if it was a Polish name, a Russian name or some exotic dish served in a restaurant. After seeing pictures of it, I knew I wanted to get my hands on one. When I received the stainless steel security pins/cups and held it in my hand, I knew this was a winner for the locksmith and the consumer. The Sovilok parts are cast from 316 Stainless Steel, which enables high shear strength with complete non-corrosion. The Sovilok products are manufactured at the Milwaukee Precision Casting Corporation plant, formerly Chicago Vacuum Casting, an industry leader in precision casting for over 50 years. The casting process used is called the “lost wax” process. Each part is cast molded in specialized wax to the finest detail required. Each wax model is then attached to a “tree” of wax by means of gates or sprues made from rods of wax, and a venting system is made the same way to convey air and other gasses out of the model once it is completed and filled with hot metal. The tree is attached to a “pour-cup” which will channel the molten metal during casting. The size of our product allows for upwards of 50 parts to be attached to each tree. Once attached, this “wax tree” is dipped into a silicaceous slurry solution that covers the wax model and dries to a “ceramic shell”. Repeated layers of this ceramic solution are applied, allowing for drying between each application. The outermost layers use a coarser aggregate until a sufficient thickness has built up so the model will hold together during the process that “burns out” the wax and then the administration of molten metal. Once the wax has been burned out and replaced with the liquid molten metal, the tree is cooled and the ceramic coating is broken away revealing the stainless steel parts. They reproduce every detail of the original wax parts. The gates and vents are cut off and the parts are “tumbled” to smooth out and polish the finish. This precision process not only allows for the closest tolerances in the industry, but also completely eliminates any porosity in the final product. This is of utmost concern to Sovilok Manufacturing, since the product demands exact dimensions, and cannot fail. A good example of the detailed precision of the product is verified on the front lip of the round female pin used on the hinge side of a residential door. If you have further interest in the “lost wax” process, or would like to see how quality products are made in America, visit Milwaukee Precision’s website at www.milwaukeeprec.com. You will understand why Sovilock Manufacturing feels they are the best in the business and why the Sovilock Frame Reinforcement kits quality is first class!
In the following blog entry you will learn the truth about the deceptive marketing using search engines and deceptive SEO which is being used against many small businesses and your local locksmith. Years ago while broadcasting from the home grown niche Internet radio program known as LOCK Radio (LR), I was the first to educate the misled locksmiths about the power of the Lanham Act and how it was relevant in the issue of scammers and the deceptive marketing practices going on. Some in the locksmith industry sought to use the issue as their new rallying cry for licensing. Unfortunately, in my opinion it was being used to leverage the emotions of others by making them feel that they had no choice if they wished to stop these scammers. This may have worked if it were the truth, but it never was, and LOCK Radio warned everyone that it was not. Many fell for it and are now saddled with regulatory compliance that is killing their businesses, and strapping their operating budget with no signs that such regulation has had any impact. LOCK Radio was the original Internet based "Security Industry Global Broadcast Network" and it allowed the locksmiths to hear the truth of what was going on around them. So here we are 6 years later and we find a J.D. Candidate Victor T. Nilsson at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law presenting some of the same reasoning we discussed. The SOPL news blog story of how the 1-800-UNLOCKS service can be a helpful and trusted solution was noted on page 816 of the Arizone Law Review and from the looks it the author din't think it was such a bad idea, although not the cure all. http://www.sopl.us/4/post/2010/12/1-800-unlocks-is-a-legitimate-dispatch-service.html Take the time and download the provided /pdf file and notice the following: #1 - He identifies "Deceptive SEO that frequently hurts consumers and the marketplace" #2 - He also identifies that this is not an "exclusive issue to the locksmith industry". #3 - He directly points to the need for regulation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service providers and or the search engine manipulation that results in the deceptive marketing practices. Not once was it observed to be the cause of the hard working locksmiths. So the excuse that we need and want regulation for the locksmiths themselves is a dishonest excuse. |
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Deceptive marketing has hurt consumers and business owners since the birth of promotional advertising. As the Internet increasingly inspires and dictates our consumption choices, even sophisticated business acumen and technological savvy are not enough to withstand the harmful consequences. While lawmakers and courts have fashioned remedies applicable to some misleading practices, sly marketers with deep pockets frequently find new ways to trick unsuspecting shoppers and seize market share. This Note therefore provides a novel interpretation of prior scholarship to recommend a solution to a particularly misleading marketing practice—deceptive search engine optimization—in order to bolster currently available, yet independently inadequate, alternatives. Although some of the problems associated with deceptive search engine optimization have caught the media’s eye as of late, a much-needed solution is heretofore unexplored in law review literature
As the Internet increasingly inspires and dictates our consumption choices, even sophisticated business acumen and technological savvy are not enough to prevent the harmful consequences associated with deceptive SEO. Consumers suffer when they receive irrelevant or low-quality search results and by implication miss what they are looking for, such as a locksmith after locking
themselves out of their car.The negative impact is compounded if increased marketing costs are reallocated to customers in the form of higher prices. Meanwhile, businesses that lack the necessary resources to utilize SEO run into tough or even impossible competition.This Note recommends a novel solution to deceptive SEO. While a number of remedies currently exist—self-policing by search engines, market discipline, the FTC Act, the Lanham Act, and applicable state laws—they all fail to provide a sufficiently comprehensive or permanent remedy. A complementary solution is therefore fundamental to halting future abusive SEO. Under these circumstances, Congress is the appropriate authority to initiate regulation of SEO practitioners who use search engines to deceptively market goods and services.
United States Attorney
February 18, 2011
For Immediate Release
St. Louis, MO: The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that the owners of a Florida based locksmith service were charged in a superseding indictment on multiple federal charges involving a scam to overcharge customers for locksmith services, as well as employing and
harboring illegal aliens.
According to the superseding indictment, Dependable Locks, Inc., headquartered in Clearwater, FL, managed a national network of locksmith technicians, operating from major population centers across the United States, including St. Louis. It also maintained a full-time staff of telephone
operators and dispatchers, who were on duty 24 hours per day in Clearwater. The dispatchers received phone calls electronically forwarded from hundreds to thousands of telephone numbers listed nationwide for emergency locksmith services, all of which forwarded consumer calls to the
call center in Florida. The dispatchers received the calls and the business dispatched locksmith technicians from the area of the call to respond. Many of the locksmith technicians working for Dependable Locks were aliens who were unlawfully present in the United States and were not authorized to work as locksmith technicians.
The indictment alleges that the locksmith company engaged in deceptive marketing by purchasing directory listings and advertisements in cities across the United States that identified the business to the public as a set of local locksmith companies. The company’s listings used multiple business
names, local phone numbers and fake local addresses that had no affiliation with the company. Phone calls to the listed phone numbers were automatically routed to the company’s call center in Clearwater, Florida. In addition, telephone operators for Dependable Locks were instructed by
managers to mislead customers to believe that they would be charged around $54 for a car lockout, while the responding technician was instructed by managers to charge up to $179 for a lockout.
Technicians used techniques such as accusing the consumer who objected to the overcharge of "theft of services," threatening to call the police, withholding the customer's keys or driver's license to compel payment or following the customer to an ATM machine to ensure payment.
The locksmith technicians allegedly were allowed to split the profits of the fraudulently procured locksmith services with the company and were required to remit the company's share of the proceeds by regularly purchasing and shipping cash, checks and money orders to the Dependable
Locks location in Clearwater, FL.
"After more than a year of following numerous leads with ICE and the Missouri Attorney General's Office, we are pleased to see this case continue to progress," said Postal Inspector J.R. Ball of the St. Louis Field Office. He added, "The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is vigilant in investigating
allegations where the mail or postal products are used to conceal or further a crime."
DAVID PEER, Clearwater, FL; and ADAM OLIVKOVICH, address unknown, were indicted by a federal grand jury on one felony count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, five felony counts of mail fraud, one felony count of conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens for private financial gain and one felony count of engaging in a pattern of hiring unauthorized aliens. MOSHE AHARONI, Clearwater, FL, was indicted on one felony count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one felony count of conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens for private financial gain.
Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Mail fraud carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Conspiracy to harbor unlawful aliens for private financial gain carries a maximum
penalty of 10 years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Engaging in a pattern of hiring unauthorized aliens carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison and/or a fine of $3,000 per alien. In determining the actual sentences, a Judge is required to consider the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines,
which provide recommended sentencing ranges.
This case was investigated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Assistant United States Attorneys John Sauer and John Ware are
handling the case for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
As is always the case, charges set forth in an indictment are merely accusations and do not constitute proof of guilt. Every defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty.
United States Attorney
February 18, 2011
For Immediate Release
St. Louis, MO: The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that the owners of a Florida based locksmith service were charged in a superseding indictment on multiple federal charges involving a scam to overcharge customers for locksmith services, as well as employing and
harboring illegal aliens.
According to the superseding indictment, Dependable Locks, Inc., headquartered in Clearwater, FL, managed a national network of locksmith technicians, operating from major population centers across the United States, including St. Louis. It also maintained a full-time staff of telephone
operators and dispatchers, who were on duty 24 hours per day in Clearwater. The dispatchers received phone calls electronically forwarded from hundreds to thousands of telephone numbers listed nationwide for emergency locksmith services, all of which forwarded consumer calls to the
call center in Florida. The dispatchers received the calls and the business dispatched locksmith technicians from the area of the call to respond. Many of the locksmith technicians working for Dependable Locks were aliens who were unlawfully present in the United States and were not authorized to work as locksmith technicians.
The indictment alleges that the locksmith company engaged in deceptive marketing by purchasing directory listings and advertisements in cities across the United States that identified the business to the public as a set of local locksmith companies. The company’s listings used multiple business
names, local phone numbers and fake local addresses that had no affiliation with the company. Phone calls to the listed phone numbers were automatically routed to the company’s call center in Clearwater, Florida. In addition, telephone operators for Dependable Locks were instructed by
managers to mislead customers to believe that they would be charged around $54 for a car lockout, while the responding technician was instructed by managers to charge up to $179 for a lockout.
Technicians used techniques such as accusing the consumer who objected to the overcharge of "theft of services," threatening to call the police, withholding the customer's keys or driver's license to compel payment or following the customer to an ATM machine to ensure payment.
The locksmith technicians allegedly were allowed to split the profits of the fraudulently procured locksmith services with the company and were required to remit the company's share of the proceeds by regularly purchasing and shipping cash, checks and money orders to the Dependable
Locks location in Clearwater, FL.
"After more than a year of following numerous leads with ICE and the Missouri Attorney General's Office, we are pleased to see this case continue to progress," said Postal Inspector J.R. Ball of the St. Louis Field Office. He added, "The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is vigilant in investigating
allegations where the mail or postal products are used to conceal or further a crime."
DAVID PEER, Clearwater, FL; and ADAM OLIVKOVICH, address unknown, were indicted by a federal grand jury on one felony count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, five felony counts of mail fraud, one felony count of conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens for private financial gain and one felony count of engaging in a pattern of hiring unauthorized aliens. MOSHE AHARONI, Clearwater, FL, was indicted on one felony count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one felony count of conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens for private financial gain.
Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Mail fraud carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Conspiracy to harbor unlawful aliens for private financial gain carries a maximum
penalty of 10 years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000. Engaging in a pattern of hiring unauthorized aliens carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison and/or a fine of $3,000 per alien. In determining the actual sentences, a Judge is required to consider the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines,
which provide recommended sentencing ranges.
This case was investigated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Assistant United States Attorneys John Sauer and John Ware are
handling the case for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
As is always the case, charges set forth in an indictment are merely accusations and do not constitute proof of guilt. Every defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty.
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