Harvey Arkawy - Administrative Director
Harvey Arkawy has been a Locksmith for more than 45 years. He owned his own successful Locksmith business in the San Fernando Valley, California for 9 years, and had been a member of ALOA in the late 70's as well as The California Locksmiths Association (CLA) San Fernando Valley Chapter.
While a member of CLA, he served as a State Executive Council member. He served as Chapter Vice-President for a year and then was elected President for one term. He has been writing and selling Locksmith software since 1980 and has been teaching Master Keying since 1994.
The organizations that he has taught for are: Progressive Trade Show Management Services of Corona, Calif., The California Locksmith’s Association, American Security Distribution of Southern California as well as Clark Security Products, San Diego and InterMountain Lock and Security Supply. After selling his business in 1985, he went to work as an Industrial Locksmith for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. Harvey specialized in Master Keying as well as Electronic Access. He received his Federal GSA Inspector's Certificate in 2003 from Mark Bates & Associates. He retired from Lockheed in January 2006.
Harvey continues to teach Master Keying for the Yankee Security Conference and via the Society of Professional Locksmiths where he participates as the Administrative Director, Lead Instructor and Membership Support.
To contact Harvey
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 661-752-5625
While a member of CLA, he served as a State Executive Council member. He served as Chapter Vice-President for a year and then was elected President for one term. He has been writing and selling Locksmith software since 1980 and has been teaching Master Keying since 1994.
The organizations that he has taught for are: Progressive Trade Show Management Services of Corona, Calif., The California Locksmith’s Association, American Security Distribution of Southern California as well as Clark Security Products, San Diego and InterMountain Lock and Security Supply. After selling his business in 1985, he went to work as an Industrial Locksmith for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. Harvey specialized in Master Keying as well as Electronic Access. He received his Federal GSA Inspector's Certificate in 2003 from Mark Bates & Associates. He retired from Lockheed in January 2006.
Harvey continues to teach Master Keying for the Yankee Security Conference and via the Society of Professional Locksmiths where he participates as the Administrative Director, Lead Instructor and Membership Support.
To contact Harvey
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 661-752-5625